Written by: Bill Cohen, Cohen Caregiving Support Consultants LLC
15 years ago, I never could have imagined that I’d be starting a caregiving journey with my late mother, Sheila. She had symptoms of dementia, then her home was destroyed in Hurricane Katrina and Alzheimer’s stole her ability to create beautiful art.
After 10 years as her caregiver, durable power of attorney, trustee, and health representative, I am now a consultant, helping advise family caregivers like yourselves.
Most of you probably feel like I did when the first signs or diagnosis became apparent. I had a full-time job, and before moving her to Oregon, she was on the east coast. I became exhausted, overwhelmed and stressed. I had no idea what the resources were, who to talk to, or how long the disease would take.
When somebody has cancer or diabetes, the doctor tells you exactly what it is, says it is bad news, but that we have a plan and a treatment, and we will fight and beat the condition. However, what can and do the doctors say in the case of Alzheimer’s? Correct: very little. Usually, if they provide a diagnosis at all, they merely say to keep your loved one safe and out of pain. And, they may prescribe a medication or two that do no more than slow the symptoms temporarily.
At this point, without any cure or effective drugs or treatment, the best advice is for your loved one with dementia to stay as physically, socially and mentally active as possible and for them to eat nutritiously.
For you, the caregiver: ask me about resources in your area. Some organizations, including charities, government agencies, care communities and support groups, provide some advice and normally at no cost. However, their individual support will be limited. On the other hand, for a fee, professionals like geriatric care managers can help you with medical coordination for your loved one and will provide personalized advice and guidance. There are also a full range of service providers and practitioners for individual situations like elder law, housing, in-home care, adult day services, and your own health care and respite.
Last tips: you are not alone. Ask for help from friends and family, and watch your own health, especially stress. Be proactive and plan ahead, rather than having to react in a crisis.
Briefly, I provide advice to you the family caregiver. I vet, research and refer you to trustworthy service providers and professionals. You don’t have to worry about whether or not you’ll get good advice and service. Depending upon your needs, we can discuss any areas in as much depth as you like. Let’s talk or visit to discuss how I, and the other professionals I collaborate with, can help you and your family. There is no charge for our initial conversation.
Bill Cohen
Cohen Caregiving Support Consultants LLC