Serving More than Cedar Mill

Eat Local – Our own Farmers’ Market.

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As the season is shifting for many farmers’ markets worldwide, we wanted to highlight our very own Cedar Mill Farmers’ Market. One of the many essential businesses that stayed open during the pandemic, Cedar Mill Farmers’ Market was able to open on schedule and make their market a safe place for you to shop in this crazy season.

The market offers fresh, local produce and food products with a “short supply chain” (meaning a limited number of people touching the produce) to our community in an open-air atmosphere.

Statistics say that Farmers’ Markets are one of the safest ways to shop during this difficult time. They are open every Saturday from 9 am – 2 pm until the season ends Saturday, October 10th. So please take advantage of our very own and support our local vendors!

Few tips to safely shop at a farmer’s market!

Look for safety measures. If you have a choice in your area, “attend markets that are implementing good safety procedures such as controlling traffic in and out, enforcing social distancing, and requiring that masks be worn by both vendors and customers,” says Brian Coppom, executive director of Boulder County Farmers Markets.

Open-air is better. Even if your market is monitoring traffic in and out, open-air markets are safer than enclosed ones, notes Dr. Theresa Brennan, MD, chief medical officer of the University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics.

Know the hours. Follow your markets’ social media accounts to keep up with any changes to the markets’ hours, rules, and more, says Liz Carollo, assistant director of GrowNYC’s Food Access and Agriculture Program.

How to Practice Safe Shopping

Avoid busy times. Showing up at the market first thing in the morning seems like the best way to get the most variety and the smallest crowds — unless everyone has the same idea, Carollo says. “We’re asking people to stagger their visits, and instead of first thing in the morning, try the 10 to 11 am hour,” she says, adding that whenever you arrive, if the market is crowded, come back later or another day, rather than adding to the congestion.

Visit alone — and leave your pets at home. Another way to keep crowd size down: Come to the market alone or with just one other person, Carollo says. If you do come with someone else, split up and cover different vendors to minimize your time at the market. Also: “This is a tough one for us, but please don’t bring your dogs to the market,” she says. “Anything you can do to reduce congestion helps.”

Opt for pre-bagged food. Once you’re in the market, look for vendors offering pre-bagged items, Coppom says. “I like [this option] because I can be confident it was bagged in a controlled environment on the farm.” He also recommends seeking out vendors who have hand-washing stations, hand sanitizer or wipes available.

You touch it, you take it. If pre-bagged isn’t an option, touch the food as little as possible, says Dr. Tania Elliott, MD, attending physician at NYU Langone, specializing in infectious disease, allergy and immunology. “If you touch it, take it. Don’t fondle the food, smell it or squeeze it,” she says.

Know how to clean the produce you buy. While selecting produce, consider what’s easiest to clean. “Be cognizant of what you buy and how easy it is to make sure that you’re getting it clean,” Dr. Brennan says.

Bag your own goods. When it’s time to check out, don’t hand your reusable bags to the vendors, Carollo says. Instead, ask the vendor to put the items down and let you bag them, or ask them to drop the items into your bag, to minimize contact.

Avoid all samples. Many markets have stopped the practice of offering samples — but if yours still has them available, avoid them.

And, of course, all the social distancing and safety rules apply: Wash your hands before leaving the house, bring hand sanitizer with you and use it frequently, wear a mask, and stay six feet apart from others.


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