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Diversity Statement

Good standing in the business community is no longer enough. As members of the Cedar Mill Business Association, we are taking a stand for equality.

To affirm our commitment to fighting racism in our community, we are sharing our plan going forward: 

  • See diversity, inclusion, and equity as part of our mission and critical to ensuring the well-being of our community.
  • Include improved racial and gender diversity in our line-up of speakers in meetings.
  • Encourage diversity in membership through marketing materials, images on the website and in social media.
  • Commit time and resources to expand more diverse membership through our newly developed Diversity Committee.
  • Lead with respect. We expect all members of the board and general membership to be leaders in the fight against racism within our organization and community.

We as a board want to emphasize that we recognize fighting social injustice is an ongoing process and we believe together we can make a difference in our community through education, reflection and action.  We know that taking a stand by putting a policy in place is not enough. We are working as a board and through our Diversity Committee to build the core values of diversity, equity, and inclusion into our organization’s operations and mission statement.  

We know this isn’t a solution, but believe it is an important and critical starting point.

Thank you for your support as we work together to make Cedar Mill Business Association and the community we serve a better place to live, work, and thrive.

If you would like to join our Diversity Committee, please contact for more info.

Making a Difference Beyond Cedar Mill

Helping Business & Community Thrive

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Meeting Address:
11795 NW Cedar Falls Dr, Portland, OR 97229
We Make a Difference in Cedar Mill and Beyond

Join us at our next meeting! Meetings are on the second Tuesday of each month at 12:00 pm at The Ackerly at Timberland. Help make a difference in your community!

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