As a civil rights lawyer and entrepreneur, I know that small business owners are concerned about fair policies that help their businesses. More than that, we’re also deeply invested in the health and wellbeing of our families and the families of our employees.
Issues like workplace equality, affordable health care, environmentally sound practices, and sensible taxes are vitally important to me. That’s why I helped get paid family medical leave passed during the last legislative session: as an employer, the ability to provide competitive benefits to my employees can’t be overstated. Without the passage of paid family leave, small businesses like mine wouldn’t be able to afford to compete for Oregon workers.

The growing needs of independent businesses are also why I continue working with Sen. Ron Wyden to implement greater fairness for small business tax rates. Unscrupulous larger companies have a competitive advantage with their capacity to defer taxes and build wealth in ways that are inaccessible to most of us. When the tax code favors big businesses and corporations, small businesses like ours pay two-fold: we pay more in taxes and we don’t have the capital to compete fairly. Creating fairness in the tax code will bring in revenue to help our communities thrive. I want to do everything I can to make sure everyone plays by the rules.
A vote for Christina is a vote for:
✅Tax fairness ✅Workplace fairness ✅Affordable communities
Learn more at christinastephenson.com
By working together, I know we can achieve these goals and more. Thanks for your support, and for making District 33 a great place to live! – Christina Stephenson
Get Involved!
In Oregon, small businesses like yours help our local economy thrive and grow. As the only small business owner in the race for State Representative in District 33, I understand the unique challenges faced by independent entrepreneurs; as a result, I’m committed to creating a campaign fueled by grassroots support from small businesses at its core.
That’s why I’m proud to announce the “Small Businesses For Christina” initiative to shine a spotlight on local businesses in our community. If you’re interested in participating, please contact amy@christinastephenson.com.