Do you really know what a Brand is? For many, a logo is a brand. A sign is a brand. A TV commercial is a brand. A slogan is a brand. Truth is, none of these things in its individuality is a brand. These are only tactics that communicate a brand. To really create a brand, you have to change the way people THINK.
Through many years of working with some of the greatest branders in the world, and overseeing one of the premiere brands in all of sports, I’ve come to learn that “branding” is not all that far from what a hypnotist does to the delight of his or her audience – just much less overt.
When thinking of your brand, you must understand the fundamental goal. Simply put, the goal of your brand should be to occupy a small portion of the consumer’s brain with a very specific feeling or emotion that you have created. How does the public FEEL about you – and in turn how does consuming your products make them really FEEL. Nike, Coke, Apple. Enough said. That is the brand.
Successful branding employs many tactics and requires incredible discipline, and in many cases dramatic change. How you live and dress, the colors and fonts you use, your logo’s and advertising – even the physical layout of your office all impact the quality of your brand.
It always surprises me to see so few companies actually spend real time thinking strategically about their brand. If I ask a business owner if brand is important, the answer is universally “yes”. But when asked what they are doing about it – in most cases the answer starts with “Well….” followed by a long pause.
Creating a strong brand and forming a comprehensive brand strategy is one of the most important components to creating a business that survives and thrives.
Why? Its that brain thing again.
You communicate to your customers through your brand. When a customer thinks of a certain product – they should simultaneously think of you. For your customers, your company is your brand.
When you need or want running shoes – what is your specific thought?
Nike is brilliant, period. Their brand drives everything they do. It drives their product development, their corporate culture, their marketing, their executive structure and even the layout of their spectacular campus. Brand is EVERYTHING – the foundation of how you operate and the decisions you make.
First – discover your true identity. A great brand can’t be false. It has to permeate your being. It must be believable. Then build your strategy around it. Consumers can tell the difference – they will sense the genuine nature of who you are and what you believe. This eliminates the natural instinct of doubt many consumers have engrained in them.
Finally, once you’ve discovered and have built that strategy to occupy that small portion of the brain – be disciplined to it like nothing you’ve ever seen. Does Disney allow one of Mickey’s ears to be drawn out of proportion even in the slightest? Every font, every color, every gift, every interaction is communicating your brand. A fractured, unsuccessful brand effort is all over the place. You’ll find you’ve created the foundation for your business to grow. The deeper the brand, the more levels of brand definition you will find – and eventually the discovery of the hidden roadmap to incredible success.
-Tylor Peck
Win With Success, Inc