As the season is shifting for many farmers’ markets worldwide, we wanted to highlight our very own Cedar Mill Farmers’ Market. One of the many essential businesses that stayed open during the pandemic, Cedar Mill Farmers’ Market was able to open on schedule and make their market a safe place for you to shop in… read more
As a home school mom for over 23 years and a professional academic & career advisor, I would like to share my personal and professional advice for parents with kids at home temporarily from school: Keep to a new weekday schedule: Have set times for waking & sleeping, have regular meal times. This will help… read more
Anne-Marie Nash for Caryl K. Hoffman, CK Hoffman Design Ranging from pale ice and watery turquoise to moody indigo and dark navy, the color blue evokes feelings of tranquility and calmness, while also expressing strength and dependability. For the year 2020, Pantone announced Classic Blue as its Color of the Year for 2020. Read on… read more
As a civil rights lawyer and entrepreneur, I know that small business owners are concerned about fair policies that help their businesses. More than that, we’re also deeply invested in the health and wellbeing of our families and the families of our employees. Issues like workplace equality, affordable health care, environmentally sound practices, and sensible… read more

Written by: Bill Cohen, Cohen Caregiving Support Consultants LLC 15 years ago, I never could have imagined that I’d be starting a caregiving journey with my late mother, Sheila. She had symptoms of dementia, then her home was destroyed in Hurricane Katrina and Alzheimer’s stole her ability to create beautiful art. After 10 years as… read more

Do you really know what a Brand is? For many, a logo is a brand. A sign is a brand. A TV commercial is a brand. A slogan is a brand. Truth is, none of these things in its individuality is a brand. These are only tactics that communicate a brand. To really create a… read more

I was asked to write a “blog” for Cedar Mill Business Association members on WHY you should sign up for the Cedar Mill Farmers Market booth. Well, here are my thoughts: FREE booth – to promote your business. The CMBA has a booth each week of our market season. They have canopy that we keep… read more

Article by: Jennifer Oulds, Massage and Spa at Bethany I will answer this in 2 ways, what I learned in massage school and what I have learned through my practice as a therapist. In massage school, we learned that deep tissue can be uncomfortable but should not painful. The rules went like this… On a… read more

Your presence and image speaks volumes about you. Having a powerful presence requires addressing the inner self as well as your outer appearance. When you manage both you have a powerful vehicle for fulfilling your mission. Having clarity of purpose, well-defined core values and ethics and taking extraordinary care of yourself will generate an energy… read more